Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Give him a fishing lesson and he'll sit in a boat drinking beer every weekend." - Alex Blackwell

It looks like the boat trade will go through. We have a verbal agreement and the new owner of our boat has scheduled a day next week to have Tom help him put our-old/his-new boat on the trailer.

Tom drove back up to the lake again today and ran into his brother-in-law, Bill, and they went over to the new boat to go through it one more time. Bill is also a sailor, so Tom asked Bill last week if he would check out the "potential" new boat before Tom met with the owner yesterday. Bill emailed Tom a detailed list of everything he found, plus a list of pros and cons. I was glad Tom asked Bill because I knew his inspection would be very detailed.

So here are some photos Tom took with his phone today.

New boat
New boat
New boat

We are going up to the lake Friday (if it doesn't rain) and I'll take better photos then.

In other news, Joe's excessive haircut is proving to be a problem. He's getting cold. How do I know? Well, when he lays down next to Tom or me in the morning when temperatures are cooler, he shivers. It sounds stupid, but we've taken to covering him up with a blanket to warm him up. I've never had to do that for a dog before.

The painting of the doors and trim in the nursery and kids' room at the church is done, except for maybe some touch up. The dark blue does not cover well, even after two coats. I might have to spend an additional hour or so going over the light spots. But, YAY!!!, it's done! Now I can start working on my house.

And, I'm not even touching the Couch-2-5K subject...

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