OMG, Tom is sicker today than yesterday and he informed me that he had the very worst night's sleep in his whole entire life (63 years) last night! Worse than when he tried to stop a newel post flying through the air about a million miles an hour, but shattered his skull, turned his sinuses to mush and suffered a concussion instead; worse than when he jumped down from a ladder, landed on his heel and broke his ankle and shattered his heel into a million pieces; worse than when he broke his front shin bone in two places so that his foot would dangle in a very odd position if he lifted his leg off the bed and, to repair the break, the doctor had to insert a steel rod in the front of his leg between the knee and ankle and screw the broken bones to it. Much worse than any of those times. Yep, it's a man cold.

Outside my's overcast, but I think spring is finally here. Last week was a little iffy. The temperature went from a gorgeous 80 degrees last weekend to a very cold 33 degrees, with sleet here in central Arkansas and snow in northern Arkansas. I am hoping that will be the last of it. By mid-week, we are again supposed to be at 80 degrees. The black birds are in huge flocks everywhere. They land on the lawn and all you can see is a sea of black, and then they fly off as quickly as they came. The flocks of blackbirds; that's how I know it is spring.
Waiting…to submit my resignation from my job. I decided not to go in on my day off. Instead, I will tell Boss tomorrow.
Catching up on…laundry, cleaning; dusting and vacuuming mostly.
I am thinking...about joining a cross stitch group. They meet at a stitching store here in town Tuesday nights. I miss cross stitching and I think it would be fun to do it with a group.
I am thankful for...everything. So far, we are weathering this recession very well. Tom's work slowed down for a month or so, but it has really picked up again and he has more work than he can handle. He said he's even going to ask Scott to work with him for awhile. I am really having fun doing the church newsletter. I'm working on a Mac (which I've never used) and learning InDesign software. Sunday, Pastor Tammy designated me the Office Administrator, purely volunteer, but I am happy to contribute where I can. Except for the man cold, we are in reasonably good health. Who could complain?
From the kitchen...I have no idea what I will make for dinner tonight. Last night we had clam chowder and cheese bread. I guess I'll have to go out to the freezer and pull out some sort of meat. Maybe Pork with Caramelized Onion and Apples, mashed potatoes and green beans. That sounds pretty good
I am wearing... pajamas and slippers.
I am creating... a revised format for the church newsletter.
I am going... to walk after I finish this, then head to the church to finish the newsletter.
I am reading...Multiple Bles8ings by Jon and Kate Gosselin
I am hoping...I can see either of my sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren sometime soon.
I am remembering…that I cannot change the many, many things that are out of my control and I'm learning to let go of trying.
I am hearing...the television. Tom is watching tv in the den.
Around the house...everything is pretty quiet. That will change when my sister's dog decides to get up.
One of my favorite things...quiet mornings.
A few plans for the rest of the week …today when I finish this, I will finish the laundry I started this morning, go for my 3 mile walk, then head to the church to finish the newsletter. Tomorrow, work in the morning, then drive to Little Rock to do some shopping. The rest of the week I'll just sort of wing it.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

This is my granddaughter, Zoey. She's not in school yet so her mom took her to Penny's to get her photo taken. This is the one they put on a calendar. Isn't she precious?
Based on The Simple Woman’s Daybook

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