Sunday, March 15, 2009

Baby's Got a Man Cold

What happens to big, strapping men when they get get a cold? Not just any routine, common cold, but the terrible, debilitating disease known as a "man cold."

According to my non-medical sources, men are convinced they will die from a man cold unless they sequester themselves in bed or on the sofa, are supplied with countless hours of mindless television (shoot-em-ups, westerns and cartoons) and provided a non-stop supply of kleenex, Theraflu, orange juice and maybe a cookie or two. A handbell to summon the nearest female is optional.

I consider myself a lucky gal. Tom opted out of using a handbell. The house is small enough to hear his wheezing calls wherever I happen to be.

You want to know what my weekend has been like? Take a look...

I hear him weakly calling my name... Teeerrrriii....Teeerrriii...

Gotta go before he dials 911...

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