Nothing going on in my life right now. The weather is HOT, HOT, HOT. I'm sick of it. The heat seems to just suck all the oxygen out of the atmosphere and I can barely breathe outside so I've been hibernating from the heat inside the house 24/7 for nearly every minute of the last 30 days. And, if you've been reading my blog for any time at all, you know I'm not an indoor person. We tried eating dinner outside the other night when the temp fell to 99 degrees. Half way through, it was just too much, even with the ceiling fan, and we sought refuge back in our air conditioned dining room.
We are supposed to be getting a slight weather reprieve this week, down to the high 80's to low 90's. But, you know, I don't think I'll hold my breath for that one.
My garden sucks. When the wind blows, it feels like a blast from a jet engine, scorching everything in its wake. One yellow cherry tomato plant is nearly dead. The rest are on their way out. Even regular deep watering isn't helping. And we're not even half way through July.
The high point of the last couple of weeks was a visit from a niece and her three kiddos, ages 2, 4 and almost 14. We hadn't seen each other in nearly 20 years, so we had a great time reminiscing and laughing for 5 days.They left Friday morning.
Joe wasn't sorry to see them go after being tormented by the 2-year old who wanted to repeatedly pet the "puppy!!" Joe may have actually lost weight during their visit from all the running he did to escape the clutches of the adoring toddler. After they left, he slept the entire afternoon.
For us humans, however, it was a teary good-bye punctuated with extended embraces.
Then last night I had a meltdown. Regret for not helping/shielding her and her brother more from an unspeakable childhood. Tom tried to help me understand that we tried, but even social services wouldn't intervene. It didn't help much. I just had to cry it out.
So now we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Mike and Kathy and the girls. They left the Reno area yesterday and plan to take a very leisurely trip around and through the western portion of the U.S., camp trailer in tow, a trip the girls will remember always. They should arrive here around the 24th.
The guest bedroom is ready and so am I.

I really shouldn't complain about our 100+ degrees, seeing as you've faced this oven for more than a month. I really shouldn't, but I do, because I can.
Milk it. I would.
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