Some Things I Love:
1. Less than one week until our vacation. We will leave for Anna Maria Island, Florida, early Wednesday morning. As I posted previously, Pool Floaties is the number one item on my list. I plan to wear out at least one during our stay.
2. Though I'm not pleased that I begged off on my walking commitment (or lack thereof) for two days already this week, I made up for it today. 2 miles in less than 45 minutes. What? You don't believe me? Look at my stats on the sidebar. Well, yes, of course I typed them. Oh, I see, you think I fudged some?

3. My friend Suzie is healed enough to be back working at the Clothes Closet. I have missed her laughter and hugs.
4. That it is flip-flop weather!! Of course that also means I need to keep up on my pedicures.
5. My yard in full bloom...

Some Things I Hate:
1. Sleepless nights like the one I had Wednesday night. I only had about 4 hours sleep. Tom had one of his roaring-snoring nights. I laid in bed from midnight to 3:00am and just couldn't take it any more. I got up and went into the guest bedroom at the back of the house. Although there are blinds on the windows, the light from Kroger's perimeter lights shone through quite well. Ugh. Then I had to listen to the beeping of the heavy construction equipment. At 4:00 in the morning. I hate Kroger. Really, I do.
2. The new Blogger interface. I tried it. I hated it. I went back to the old one. And you know they are gonna make everyone use the updated interface eventually. I hate that, too.
3. People who are late....all the time. I know someone who is late twice a week. Sometimes it's only 10 minutes. Sometimes it's 30 minutes. Sometimes it's an hour. She just cannot manage to be on time EVER!
4. Bad haircuts. I got one last week. I had to have it fixed this week.
5. I hate guns. I think there should be stricter gun laws. I don't think the Constitution gives every person the right to carry a gun. It specifically cites a "well regulated Militia," and in that context it does not mean every Tom, Dick and Harry. And I'm tired of hearing that carrying a gun is a "God given right!" Really? Does the Bible say a person has a right to carry a gun? Yes, I think there should be gun control. There I said it.
Some Things I Just Don't Get:
1. I may be the only woman in the world who feels like this, but I DO NOT get a French manicure on toenails. I want my toenails pretty short so that they don't rub on the toes of my sneakers. I don't even want my toenails to LOOK long. Ewwww.
2. Keith Olbermann has parted ways with Current TV. I should say he was fired from Current TV. Olbermann has since sued Current TV. Today's headline on Huffington Post: "29 Things He Can Do Now." The article did, indeed, list 29 things Olbermann could do, but the only one they left out was "Go Away!" Imagine that.
3. First there was the Twilight series. I didn't get the fascination with vampires. Now, it's the Hunger Games and a post apocalyptic society that pits teenagers against each other in battles to the death. Yawn. Apparently I do not possess a sense of adventure, or something like that.
4. Parents who wait until their children are severely overweight, then put them on a diet. How did the child become severely overweight in the first place? Don't put them on a diet. Help them change their eating habits by eating food that's better for them. Just sayin'
5. It's almost Easter. The last time I went to the store, there were aisles of shelves of Easter candy, baskets, grass and plastic eggs. I only have one question. Do people really eat those artificially colored, sugar coated marshmallow Peeps?
So, now it's almost the weekend. Joe goes to the Doggie Spa {wink, wink} Tuesday afternoon for ten days. The pool floaties are hanging in the garage waiting to be tossed in the car. I have to finish doing laundry...even some ironing...and then start packing clothes, bathing suits, cover-ups and flip flops. We're almost ready to go....

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