Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Four Years and 640 Posts Later....

Today is my Blogoversary. Is there even such a word? The internet seems to think so.

So, how much time will I spend rehashing the last four years of sharing nearly every corner of my life? None. It's written. It's history.

What I will do is thank you, my readers, my friends and my family....for reading my often inconsequential posts, rants and raves. Thank you for your comments, emails, support and even your criticism.

My Blogoversary has come in the middle of my vacation. Today I will avoid the sun at all costs because I am burnt to a crisp. I have a headache, my lips are chapped, my shoulders and back sting each time my blouse rests against my skin. Yep. I'm having a great time!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!
Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I much enjoy your spirited style of writing.

Terri said...

Thanks GG. It's always a pleasure to see you here.