I'm thinking I'm not so simple. In fact, I'm very complicated. So complicated that sometimes I can't even figure myself out.
But, of course, I never thought the title of these posts meant I was simple or simple-minded or a simpleton. However, I do enjoy many of the simple things in life: my garden and the critters that inhabit same, a warm, breezy summer evening on the patio or sitting under the pergola, long walks and hikes on the beach or in the mountains and floating lazily in the water of some lake, among other things.
I don't know why I felt the need to clarify. Maybe it was just for me. Maybe I'm feeling just a little bit insecure and neurotic...maybe...just a little. As the saying goes, This too shall pass.

Outside my window...it is raining yet again, but that hasn't stopped the squirrels from eating the corn on the squirrel feeder. We have a pregnant...VERY PREGNANT...squirrel that makes her way to the feeder twice each day and she is going through one ear of corn each day by herself. Can you say feeding frenzy?
Waiting…for the rain to stop so I can begin Week 3 of my Couch-2-5K.
Catching up on…watching movies we've purchased. We just watched "The Reader" last night and it left me wondering how "Slum Dog Millionaire" could have won best picture. Also watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which was good, but not as good as "The Reader."
I am thinking...about all of our service men and women in Iraq, those who have returned and those who will never return. I am thinking about the enormous sacrifice each of them has made and that of their families.
I am thankful for...not ever having to lose either of my children in a war. I can't even imagine what that must be like for the spouses and parents.
From the kitchen...tonight we are having Antipasto, a huge tray of Italian meats, cheeses, veggies and an array of olives, plus some hot rosemary and sea salt focaccia bread.
I am wearing... brown cotton crop pants, a brown and white t-shirt and I'm barefoot.
I am creating... not much of anything.
I am going... to go to WalMart with Tom where he will buy some new work jeans, then we are going to Kohl's to look at more new plates to add to my obsessive collection and somewhere during the day when it stops raining I'm going on my Couch-2-5K walk/run.
I am reading...Divine Commodity by Skye Jethani.
I am hoping...to have some kind of vacation this summer.
I am remembering…my mom today and thinking about what a blessing it was that she passed away before my sister, Kim. Mom would not have been able to cope with Kim's death.
I am hearing...Tom cursing, struggling to repair the big drawer in the kitchen island that makes a loud rubbing sound when you close it.
Around the house...it's cool, but sticky, so it makes the air feel kind of warm and on the verge of yukky.
One of my favorite things... seeing progress as we remodel, even though it is taking longer than we anticipated.
A few plans for the rest of the week …I'd like to take some time and re-organize our office; move furniture around; get rid of some of the things that are just stored in here; maybe even paint the walls.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing... I've been going crazy with my new camera. This is a clematis that is growing up our fence behind the garden...

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