FOR TODAY FEBRUARY 23rd, 2009...
Outside my window...the sun is shining, but it's cold...only 35 degrees, but we are expecting a warming trend. Good. I'm tired of the cold and I've been ready for spring since January 2nd.
Waiting…for the phone to ring...a call from work to let me know that the computer guy is there to install our computer system (yes, right now we are and have been doing everything manually). I need to learn how to use it. The company (5 physical therapy clinics) is a little backwards. They are installing the system, then teaching us how to use it instead of the other way around. Not very good planning, in my view.
Catching up on…paperwork.
I am thinking...about everything. Tom hasn't worked in a week and a half, but has a new contract as of today. He has work coming up, but things are really slow. I want the flip to sell. I don't want to fill the propane tank again to keep the house warm while it's empty. I am realizing how different Karen and I are from each other. I am worrying about Mike and Kathy and Chris and Kelly and how this recession is hurting them. I'm not looking forward to this week at work. Big D is gone to Boston and I have to work late (to 6:00pm) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I really do hate the late days.
I am thankful for...Tom each and every day and for the life we've had together so far.
From the kitchen...I'm not sure what I will make tonight. I'm thinking some kind of casserole.
I am wearing... white sweats, black turtleneck and black UGG boots. As I said, it is still cold outside.
I am creating... nothing. I'm not feeling very creative. I'm on the declining edge of a migraine and I'm not really feeling like doing much of anything.
I am going... to work later, I think, then to the grocery store.
I am reading...I have started reading a new book yet, but my next one will be the book Tom gave me for Christmas, Multiple Bles8sings by Kate and Jon Gosselin (Jon & Kate Plus 8).
I am and housing sales pick up soon.
I am remembering…growing up as a child, so much of our lives were kept secret. Every member of my family kept everything close to the chest, so to speak. Sadly, it hasn't changed much.
I am hearing...the tick of the clock. It's quiet. Karen is in bed, her television is off, her dog, Bella, isn't barking. I cherish Monday mornings because of the quiet.
Around the house...the vacuuming is done and so it the laundry. Whoo Hoo!
One of my favorite things... now. Writing it all down, getting it in the open, not hiding, not being secretive. It bothers some people in my family, I know, because they prefer to continue to keep secrets. I don't. I've done it for too long. It's counterproductive, at least in my opinion.
Recently…Tom began tearing out the wall and closet in the laundry room (it was divided into to two rooms). Yesterday, he laid tile where the washer and dryer will be relocated. Today, he will grout and also paint the walls. It's coming right along. I'm taking photos, so I will share when he is done. Don't expect "elegance" or "spectacular". It's only a laundry room.
A few plans for the rest of the week …working mostly and a baked potato supper at church Wednesday night.
Plans to focus on…I'm starting to plan my garden. I try to draw a diagram every year so I know exactly what to buy and where it will go.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing... yesterday we watched the movie, Taking Chance...
Based on The Simple Woman’s Daybook

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