Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (You Learn by Living)

As you may have noticed on my sidebar, I changed the Couch-2-5K schedule from Monday, Wednesday and Friday to Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It rained Monday morning and I don't run in the rain (at least not here in the south, since thunder=lightening=possibility of physical danger) and it is too hot to run in the afternoon. Changing my schedule was my only option.

So, I began Week Four yesterday. I am not going to say that my run/walk yesterday wasn't hard. It was. Plus, I was really stupid. I waited until almost 10:30 AM to go to the trail. By then it was already 88 degrees outside and climbing. By the time I finished, it was 91 degrees. I told you I was really stupid.

I was scared, too. I was afraid of that 5 minute run. I wasn't sure I could do it and I was afraid I was going to fail. I could not have been more proud of myself when I finished... Yes ! the whole darn thing !! All together, combining the two 3 minute runs and two 5 minute runs, I ran a whole mile !! Yes, this 62 year old, 50 pounds overweight, mostly sedentary, gray haired old lady ran a mile. Holy cripe, if I can do it, believe me ANYONE can do it.

Although it seems like a small accomplishment, I felt so good for taking on the challenge and achieving my goal. It's about time I felt good about myself for something, huh?

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