Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans." - Peter F. Drucker

Crap. It's been a terrible 2 weeks.

I started Week 2 of the C25K and the first day went fine. The 90 second runs were hard but doable. Then... Wham!... life hits. We had to get the flip done because our realtor's client wanted to come by to see it, which meant that I was spending more time there than usual, so no running. Okay, then, that done... I got the flu and definitely no running.

Needless to say, I will be starting Week 2 over again, provided my level of fitness is up to par. If not, I will be starting Week 1 again.

Of course, an offer on our flip is not forthcoming and since our realtor is no longer working in real estate full-time (she now has a full-time job elsewhere), she can't really work to sell it. We are going to have to list it. So Tom met with our realtor's broker. He did not have one good thing to say about the house, and, you know what? It is a cute house with lots of upgrades and the workmanship is impeccable. Pissed both of us off. So we called David from Crye-Leike and he went out to look at it. He didn't even approach the subject of listing it. Instead, he is trying to save us some money and he went back to his office and announced at their weekly staff meeting that it was on the market. But, I think we are going to have to list it anyway. We really need to sell it.

Okay, so the meaning of the title?? Did I make a commitment to myself? Yes. Did I follow through? No. I can't get fit on hopes and promises.


RunToTheFinish said...

Baby steps. That's the best way to make this running thing part of your every day life. Just baby steps. :) we've all been there and all had to figure out how to jump through the hoops to make it happen.

good luck on selling!

Terri said...

Thanks Amanda. I really needed that. Sometimes I just wonder if I will ever be able to run a mile again, let alone a 5K, and I get so discouraged. You are right... baby steps :)