FOR TODAY MARCH 30, 2009...
Outside my window...the sun is shining and we are on our way to 67°. Another beautiful day, just like yesterday. Tom went sailing. He said it was perfect. He happened to see his brother-in-law, Bill, up at the marina and they went together on Tom's boat. I stayed home and made Glenda's Stuffed Buns for an activity at church tonight, then sat out on the back patio and read for the rest of the afternoon.
Waiting…and maybe it's time to just stop waiting and put my energy elsewhere.
Catching up on…blogging. I finally posted an entry on my food blog and have a couple more to post this week. It feels good to have the time.
I am thinking...about a passage in a book I am reading and how I think I know how someone in an Amish community feels when they are shunned. Do you continue to try or do you ultimately just give up and walk away because there is no hope?
I am thankful for...all the people who so generously share their lives with me. Maybe, after all, that's where I should focus my time and energy.
From the kitchen...dinner is made and ready to take to the church.
I am wearing... Nike cold weather sweats, a purple cotton turtleneck and black beaded flip-flops.
I am creating... a new look for the alter at church for Easter Sunday.
I am going... to church later to work on the newsletter.
I am reading...Plain and Simple, A Woman's Journey to the Amish by Sue Bender. A small quote: I didn't know when I first looked at an Amish quilt and felt my heart pounding that my soul was starving, than an inner voice was trying to make sense of my life. I didn't know that I was beginning a journey of the spirit, what Carlos Castaneda calls following 'a path that has heart.' It is a very interesting and insightful book.
I am hoping...to begin painting the house again soon, now that I'm no longer at my job.
I am remembering…our first apartment. We cleaned and painted before we moved in. The landlord gave us permission to cover the kitchen cabinet doors in contact paper. I think he might have been sorry he did. It was 1969. The contact paper was white with yellow, orange, and green flowers, similar to this...
We painted the kitchen a lime green! We thought it was the coolest thing ever! But, we were beginning our hippy-dippy phase which translated into having absolutely no taste whatsoever. No matter. We loved it!
I am hearing...the hum of my laptop and the click of the keys. It is quiet in the house.
Around the house...I need to dust and vacuum. I keep mentioning that, don't I? Hmmmm.
One of my favorite things... is to try new recipes. I get so excited when the dish turns out even better than I could have imagined and is simply amazing.
A few plans for the rest of the week …I will finish the church newsletter, then bake something new and share it with our neighbors, Rob and Amanda. When I asked Rob yesterday if we could help him somehow with replacing the fencing between our yards, his daughter, Verity, (her mother's Irish, hence the name) spoke up and said, "Yes! Bake a cake!" So...a cake it will be. I'm thinking Chocolate Flan Cake.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

Our azaleas and other plants survived the near freeze Friday night. Whew!
Based on The Simple Woman’s Daybook

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